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AP6 received the highest possible score

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AP6 signs the EU Alliance for a green recovery

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AP6’s 3rd Diversity & Inclusion roundtable discussion

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Managed capital amounts to SEK 75 billion as of April 30, 2024

AP6’s annual report is based on reported valuations for Q3. Unlisted assets are traditionally characterized by a lag in reporting results. After valuations have been reported for Q4 2023 and Q1 2024, it can be stated that the portfolio continues to develop well in terms of results. Managed capital amounts to SEK 75 billion as of April 30.

Review of the Swedish buffer funds

The review contains of four proposals that are proposed to be subject to further handling by the owner and the political process. In summary, the proposals concerning AP6 are about “Better utilization of the Sixth Swedish National Pension Fund´s specialist expertise in high-return unlisted shares”.

Year-End Report 2023

In a year such as 2023, which was interspersed with various challenges, AP6 is reporting positive net earnings of SEK 2.1 billion. Managed assets increased and amount to SEK 70.7 billion. AP6’s five-year return is 15.3 percent, exceeding the target of 11.4 percent. AP6 has generated positive net earnings every year for the past decade.