28 November, 2018

Work at AP6

Management of public pension funds through investments in unlisted assets places high demands on competence and judgment. AP6 recruits staff in a competitive market. For AP6, it is of strategic importance to be an attractive employer in order to be able to recruit and further develop competent staff.

Interesting and worthwhile assignments

AP6 is a major player in the Nordic market for unlisted companies. AP6’s partners include many highly ranked European and North American private equity firms. The combination of Fund Investments and Direct Investments creates flexibility and facilitates various types of business collaboration. It requires our employees to have a high level of expertise and there are many opportunities for skill development. AP6 is very focused on governance and it is an leader in sustainability efforts for private equity. As such, the organization both challenges and helps its partners develop. As a manager of public pension funds and representative of the Swedish government, AP6 must have a reputation of being stable, credible and long-term. These are also fundamental components of AP6’s brand.


The balance between Fund Investments and Direct Investments also makes AP6 unique and it is based on close collaboration across the entire organization. Furthermore, collaboration with investors in the global fund market, Europe and USA in particular, puts high requirements on flexibility and delivery dependability. AP6 believes that there actually can and must be balance between a hectic, demanding career (with travel, a high pace and high availability) with, for example, being the parent of young children.

Relevant remuneration

AP6 is a government authority under the Ministry of Finance. Management of pension funds through investments in unlisted assets, places high demands on the expertise and judgment of employees. The owner has made it very clear that remuneration to employees should be competitive, but not at the highest end of the spectrum. AP6’s approach is that, within the scope of the guidelines on remuneration and benefits decided by the owner, employees should have a decent level of remuneration with reasonable benefits.

Gender equality

For AP6 it is very important that people with the same skills, experience and job description have the same terms of employment. This is a prerequisite for an organization to function.


The number of employees at AP6 is relatively low, as is staff turnover. The sector in which it operates is very homogeneous. As such, it is very important to have an overall, long-term plan for diversity efforts. Diversity and gender equality is part of the recruitment specification, both in terms of fixed-term and permanent positions. A balanced gender distribution at all levels of the organization is a prerequisite for running an optimal organization.

Registration of interest

Send an expression of interest to AP6. Attachments cannot be attached due to IT security. Attachments can be submitted after feedback from AP6.

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