28 November, 2018

Carbon Footprint – Organization

The biggest environmental impact is from business travel

The environmental impact from own operations is low. Business travel has the biggest impact, representing 89 % of AP6‘s own carbon emissions. Whenever possible video conferencing and travelling by train should be used instead of air travel. AP6 is increasing its international collaboration. In 2019, the number of domestic fights declined, while the number of international flights increased due to the geographical diversification currently being implemented within AP6’s investing activities. Because of that, AP6’s total carbon emissions increased. AP6 offsets the organization’s emissions through carbon offsetting.

(Enlarge by clicking on chart)











*The calculation includes direct emissions (Scope 1), indirect emissions from purchased electricity, heating and cooling (Scope 2) and indirect emissions from business travel and commuting (Scope 3). The calculation is based on the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol, an international standard for calculating and reporting carbon emissions. Calculations do not include the added impact from high altitude emissions. A rough estimate is that the impact from high altitude emissions adds an approximate 50 tons of carbon emissions. Carbon emissions from investments (Scope 3) are reported separately, see Carbon Footprint – Portfolio.