28 November, 2018


Climate aspects – an integral part of the investment process

  • Goals for climate work have been set by AP6’s board
  • According to AP6’s code of conduct, “AP6 must actively work to ensure that companies and funds, which are part of AP6’s investments, identify and take measures regarding climate-related risks and opportunities”
  • Climate is one of AP6’s focus areas where AP6 has integrated the climate issue into the evaluation of new investments and examines various climate-related risks and opportunities that may affect the investment decision or ownership plan. AP6 has worked for several years to show the importance of the climate issue from an investor perspective and for increased transparency regarding reporting of climate impact and climate risks
  • Questions about climate-related risks and opportunities are included in the basis for the annual sustainability evaluation of the fund managers in the portfolio
  • Climate is monitored in AP6’s annual ESG evaluation of managers. In 2021, several managers have taken steps forward in their work with climate by defining goals in line with the Paris Agreement and increased transparency for their holdings. During the year, AP6 joined the PE-specific network iCI (Initiative Climate International) with a focus on the climate issue to drive work and exchange experiences with similar organizations in the industry. Areas in focus include methods for increased transparency and comparability and for defining strategies and objectives for reducing carbon dioxide emissions
  • The climate impact from own operations is monitored annually. The climate impact is low and stems almost exclusively from business travel and purchased energy. AP6’s guidelines for travel state that air travel should be replaced by trains or digital meetings as far as possible. AP6 compensates for climate impact from its own operations
  • AP6 annually compiles the portfolio’s carbon footprint using reported and estimated emission information
  • AP6 has expressed support for TCFD’s recommendations for how companies and investors should report on climate-related risks and opportunities
  • Read more about climate work in the annual report