AP6 is part of the Swedish state’s pension system. The assignment is to focus entirely on investments in private equity. The strategy consists of investments in funds and co-investments with integrated sustainability.
Invests in unlisted assets
AP6 is part of the Swedish state pension system and all the AP funds combined are referred to as the buffer capital. AP6’s assignment is to manage funds entrusted to it in the private equity market (unlisted assets) according to the law that governs the Fund’s operations, the Sixth Swedish National Pension Fund Act (2000:193). Fund assets are to be invested such that the long-term high return and adequate risk diversification requirements are met.
There are significant differences between investing in unlisted shares/unlisted companies, often called private equity, compared with listed shares/companies. An unlisted company is not listed on a marketplace (stock market) where the company’s shares can be publicly traded. Unlike a listed company, an unlisted/private equity firm is an illiquid investment. An unlisted/private equity firm has a smaller number of owners who run and develop the company. The majority of private equity investments are in large private equity firms. If the owner/owners wish to sell the company or their shares in it, the various parties involved must reach an agreement between them directly, or the company must be listed on a stock exchange.

Long-term strategy – long investment horizon
Since 2012 AP6 has pursued a successful investment strategy that has generated a high return for the AP fund system. The strategy, which is based on an international private equity portfolio of indirect investments in high-quality funds and co-investments, has been built over many years and has developed in different stages. The transformation of the portfolio was completed in 2019 and it’s current composition reflects the long-term strategy.
It thus takes a long time – often several years – to transform a strategy within private equity where the portfolio consists of privately owned, unlisted companies. Since its inception in 1996 AP6 has generated a return of SEK 60.3 billion, the majority of which was created within the framework of the current strategy. To manage the illiquidity associated with investing in privately owned companies, a private equity fund needs to have a very long investment horizon. Institutional investors who invest in the fund commit to injecting capital throughout the life of the fund for a predetermined investment period. They then await distributions as the companies in the fund are divested. This is why an investment in a private equity fund is called a fund commitment. It may take 10–15 years before a fund is fully divested and the investors receive the full distribution based on the capital they provided. The corresponding period for a co-investment – where AP6 invests together with a private equity fund in one of the fund’s companies – is in general 3-8 years. A co- investment is normally structured in the same way as an investment in a fund, i.e. as an indirect investment. In other words, the principal owner (the PE fund) is responsible for running, developing and, when the time is right, divesting the company.

Integrated sustainability
AP6 works long term and systematically with responsible investments and integration of sustainability in all parts of the business. According to the Act (2000:193) AP6 must manage the fund funds in an exemplary manner through responsible investments and responsible ownership. Integrating sustainability contributes to identifying risks as well as opportunities in investment activities and is a prerequisite for being able to generate a high long-term return. Taking sustainability factors into account is also important for maintaining public trust in AP6 as a investor of state pension capital.
The work takes its point of departure in the international frameworks and agreements that define sustainability and which are expressed in the Swedish state’s core values regarding human rights, democracy and sustainable development. The work is characterized by clear processes for the integration of sustainability in the investment phase and the ownership phase, through requirements, evaluation, follow-up and dialogue. Three focus areas have been identified within the framework of the sustainability work. Equality and diversity were established as a focus area in 2015 in terms of investments, the own organization and as a mandatory element in the review and follow-up of investments. Climate was established as a focus area in 2015 and is also included as a mandatory element in the review and follow-up of investments. The human rights focus area was established in 2021 with the aim of developing AP6’s approach to social sustainability issues. The long-term objective is an increased use of international frameworks for human rights in the investment process and ownership within private equity.

AP6 is a closed-end fund
AP6 has neither inflows nor outflows as the fund is closed. Investments in unlisted assets involve completely different conditions than capital management of listed shares. The institutional investors who invest in a private equity fund undertake to contribute capital during the entire life of the fund during a pre-defined investment period and then wait for dividends, so-called distributions, as the companies in the fund are sold. It can take 10-15 years before a fund is completely sold and the investors have received a full dividend on the invested capital. The corresponding time for a co-investment is 3-8 years.
To handle the difference in liquidity management, a liquidity buffer is required in order to continuously meet investment commitments, which may vary over time. For a private equity investor, this means that the management of liquidity becomes particularly important. Not being able to meet your commitments in a fund can be very costly and can put the entire remaining investment at risk. That is the background to why the asset class is normally best suited for large and long-term institutional investors. It is also the background to the fact that AP6 is a so-called closed fund where the legislator is aware that it is not possible to withdraw liquidity on an ongoing basis in the way that occurs from other AP funds. The need for long-term and stable conditions for the assignment is a basic prerequisite to invest in unlisted.

Board of Directors
The government appoints
The Board of Directors, consisting of five members, is appointed by the government, which also appoints the Chair and Deputy Chair.
The Board’s work
Responsibility and duties
The board has full responsibility for the operations and in those parts of the board’s work that are not regulated in the Act (2000:193) on the Sixth AP Fund, it is regulated in the working order that the board determines annually. The duties of the board include determining the business’ return targets, deciding on investments, appointing and evaluating the CEO and ensuring that the business has good routines for internal control and follow-up.
The Board’s committees
Risk and audit committee
The Risk and Audit Committee is responsible for preparing for board discussion and decisions on audits, financial reporting and risk management. The Committee is tasked with overseeing AP6’s financial reporting and the effectiveness of internal control, the internal audit (as needed) and risk management. The Committee is also to stay informed about the audit of the annual report. Furthermore, the Committee is responsible for evaluation the proposals from the organisation in connection with year-end accounts on valuation of the unlisted assets where no external valuation exists. The valuations are done according to a pre-defined process. The Committee is also to meet with AP6’s auditors to be informed about the audit and risk exposure. The Committee consists of three members of the Board, one of which is appointed as chair. The Managing Director, CFO and a person to take the minutes serve as co-opted members.
Renumeration committee
The Remuneration Committee is responsible for preparing for board discussions and decisions on remuneration principles, compensation and other employment terms for AP6’s executive management. The Committee is to monitor and assess the implementation of the guidelines for the senior executives’ employment terms adopted by the Board based on the Government’s guidelines from 2009. The Committee is to prepare proposals for a framework for the annual pay review for AP6 employees. The Committee meets in connection with the annual pay review and evaluations. It consists of two members of the Board, one of which is appointed as Chair. The CEO and Head of HR serve as co-opted members.
Sustainability committee
The Sustainability Committee is responsible for preparing for board discussions and decisions relating to sustainability. The Committee oversees the processes for identifying and managing sustainability, including AP6’s impact on the environment and society. It also prepares proposals for AP6’s sustainability targets, and monitors and evaluates AP6’s sustainability approach, including sustainability reporting. The Committee consists of two members of the Board, one of which is appointed as chair. The Managing Director, Head of Sustainability and a person to take the minutes serve as co-opted members.
Members of the Board of Directors
AP6 has a outright private equity organisation with a focus on fund investments and co-investments. Most of the staff work within the investment organisation. Within business support, there are a number of specialist functions to support the organisation. AP6 is headquartered in Gothenburg and also has an office in Stockholm.
Governance & Control
The Board establishes AP6’s performance targets and its long-term strategy, along with appointing and evaluating the Managing Director and ensuring that there are sound procedures in place for internal controls and monitoring.

Work at AP6
Management of public pension funds through investments in unlisted assets places high demands on competence and judgment. AP6 recruits staff in a competitive market. For AP6, it is of strategic importance to be an attractive employer in order to be able to recruit and further develop competent staff.
An attractive workplace
AP6 is to be an attractive workplace that recruits, develops and retains talented employees. The aim is to create a work environment where everyone experiences openness, wellbeing and a feeling of safety. AP6 believes in the skills, commitment and drive of all if its employees and wants to allow them to use these to flourish within the organisation. AP6 involves its managers and employees in both the projects and the decision forums, thus injecting energy and drive. The overall aim is to leverage the broad range of expertise and talent within the organisation while embracing different perspectives.
Interesting roles
AP6 is a significant institutional investor in the private equity market. Partners include several high-ranking European and US private equity firms. Specialists in various aspects of the organisation work together across the investment process. The investment, sustainability, finance and legal departments provide collective expertise where each department contributes based on common objectives.
Investment organisation
The investment department is the largest part of the organisation. As a pension fund manager and investor in unlisted assets for more than two decades, AP6 has built up unique specialist expertise. All of this expertise is brought to bear in each evaluation of a potential investment. Integrated cooperation is based on common objectives where each function and employee has an understanding of the various elements and parameters that make up an evaluation.
Sustainability is integrated into investment activities and is a theme throughout the investment and owner-ship phases. A dedicated sustainability team supports the investment department by providing specialist expertise. This includes support in subject matters relating to climate and environment, labour standards, human rights and anti-corruption. The sustainability team also develops methods and tools to assess and monitor sustainability within the investment portfolio, and reports and communicates sustainability outcomes internally and externally.
Business support
Workplace culture, leadership and employeeship are at the heart of the HR team. The unit works at the operational level and is integrated into the day-to-day affairs of AP6. Investing in private equity requires solid legal expertise and experience. AP6 has many years of experience of private equity law as well as corporate law. A legal team works on negotiations, writing contracts and supporting the investment department with legal expertise. Investing in private equity requires a clearly defined investment process. Investing in private equity requires a clearly defined investment process and monitoring the very long-term and illiquid nature of the investments. The Portfolio Strategist function monitors processes and works with financial modelling. As a public sector agency, AP6 is responsible for communicating information to the owner, the public and the media. The communication unit works on both external and internal communication.
The Financial unit has individuals with many years of experience of managing and reporting on the portfolio which mainly consists of private equity in-vestments. The team’s tasks are linked to accounting, ongoing bookkeeping and other processes relating to financial transactions. Creating forecasts and performing analysis as well as managing currency hedging are also part of the team’s responsibilities.
Equality and diversity
Issues related to equality and diversity are integrated into the daily work. A professional organization that constantly strives for development makes an effort to make use of the collective competence and experience of its employees. Different backgrounds and experiences bring new perspectives when analyzing and evaluating different positions. AP6’s organisation consists of a relatively small workforce, in a homogeneous industry. A fact that underlines the importance of a functioning overall equality and diversity work. The equality and diversity aspects are part of the specification when recruiting, both in terms of fixed-term and permanent employment.
Relevant compensation
AP6 is a government agency under the Ministry of Finance. The management of pension funds through investments in unlisted assets places high demands on the competence and experience of the employees. The owner has determined that the compensation to employees must be competitive, but not wage-leading. AP6 takes the view that within the framework of the guidelines for compensation and benefits decided by the owner, the staff should be able to receive good compensation and reasonable benefits.
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